Installing Neo4j on Ubuntu 14.04 – Step by Step guide

Installing Neo4j on Ubuntu 14.04 – Step by Step guide
Vaibhav S.

Written by

Vaibhav S.

Updated on

March 15, 2023

Read time

3 mins read

Neo4j has been heading as a best Graph Database choice and many enterprises using it in tech stack for specific needs. At Techuz, we are implementing social networking concept on Neo4j for some projects and thoughts to share an article on installation which helps new developers to start working on Neo4j.

The overall installation process is simple and needs a basic understanding of commands execution. We have created video guide and below you can check step by step guide.

1. Before we install neo4j you have to firstly check java is installed in your system using below command.

java -showversion

Java Show Version

2. If java is not installed in your system then install java using below command.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team /java // we need to run this command for install java.

Install Java

sudo apt-get update // using this command all dependency will be updated

sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer // now using this command java will be installed


3. After installing java please update all packages using below command.

sudo apt-get update // using this command all dependency will be updated

Update Java

4. After installing java now we will start the installation process for neo4j.

5. To get started with Installation of neo4j follow this commands.

1) wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -

Neo4j Install1

2) echo 'deb stable/' >/tmp/neo4j.list

Neo4j Install2

3) sudo mv /tmp/neo4j.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d

Neo4j install3

4) sudo apt-get update // using this command all dependency will be updated


5) Well, there are two neo4j versions available:

i.e. one for community and one for enterprise,

The community version is a free version to use where as the enterprise is paid version.

Now we install neo4j using

1. To install community edition: sudo apt-get install neo4j=3.1.4

2. To install enterprise edition: sudo apt-get install neo4j-enterprise

Neo4j Community Version

6. After completing installation process restart your neo4j service using below command.

sudo service neo4j restart

Neo4j Start

7. Now access neo4j using below URL


Access Neo4J via Browser

8. To access neo4j using IP address please follow below process.

1) First, open neo4j config file using below command.

sudo gedit /etc/neo4j/neo4j.conf

Config Neo4j

2) Now uncomment below line


3) And put your IP address like below

dbms.connector.http.listen_address =

dbms.connector.bolt.listen_address =

Un CMD in config File

4) After completion, restart your neo4j service using below command

sudo service neo4j restart

Again Restart Neo4j

5) Now you can access neo4j using below URL

Neo4j Access Through Browser

I hope this tutorial helps to provide a great start on Neo4J and Techuz as leading Graph Database Design Company will post more articles on Neo4j.

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Vaibhav S.

Vaibhav S.


Vaibhav Shah leads Techuz as its CEO, dedicated to catering to the needs of both startup and enterprise clients with custom web and mobile application solutions. Techuz specializes in crafting scalable web applications and mobile apps, leveraging technologies such as Angular, React.js, Node.js, PHP, React Native and Flutter

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